Music to Perform at Peak Level

2 min read

Summary: A short blog with my music to perform at peak level.

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Music helps me to start something new, to motivate me to get things done and to celebrate.  It helps me when in deep focus and while doing something repetetive.

Below you’ll find 6 playlists with my favorite music when working. Some are my own and some are from others. Most are freely available on Soundcloud.

Deep Focus – music for studying, concentration & work

This is soft music. Ideally for writing, studying, reporting, drawing or making calculations.

My own playlist: helps with deep focus & study. It doesn’t distract.

And some soft piano music by Debussy.

The Soundtrack of Excellence

I’ve created this playlist based on the book Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss. It’s a compilation of music listened to by billionaires, icons, and world-class performers who have been interviewed by Tim Ferriss. It ranges from modern pop music, classical music and hip-hop. Excellent as a background when you want to finish something or when you’re doing something repetitive.

To get things done

This my compilation of music from a Podcast of the Asian Efficiency show. It includes music from movies and it’s great for getting things done and being productive!

Work music

This music makes me happy. Great to uplift you, motivate you and to help you get in a positive mindset. It’s similar to lounge music. Ideal to chill and to finish things or while doing something repetitive.


What is your favorite music to perform at peak level? Is it calm music, no music or heavy metal? Let me know in the comment box below. I, and other readers of this article look forward to read from you!

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