Time to recharge! (part 1)
This is part 1 of an article on how to recharge when you’re running low on energy and need a break. It contains 8 tips that you can apply right away!
Continue reading →This is part 1 of an article on how to recharge when you’re running low on energy and need a break. It contains 8 tips that you can apply right away!
Continue reading →In this blog, I explain how you can experience a sustainable form of happiness: fulfillment. Even when times are hard.
Continue reading →Are you looking for more happiness and success? Start with the four Ps to experience more happiness, luck, and success!
Continue reading →This article is about an insight I got from reading a book on happiness. An insight that can also help you in your search for happiness or peace in life. This can be for both home and office.
Continue reading →In this blog, I explain what steps you can take to go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset to experience joy, development, love and to make the right decisions.
Continue reading →The reason for this article is the book “How to make friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie. He describes 40 principles for a better and happier life, for example, by trying to see somebody else’s viewpoint. My article is about another principle: Smile! How you can smile easier for real and what are the benefits of smiling.
Continue reading →My very first article I ever wrote is about happiness. It is one of my favorite topics and in this article I will give you an easy technique to find it. I wrote the original article on January 1, 2015, translated into English on January 6th, 2017 and it was updated on February 25, 2020.
Continue reading →Summary: Do you do have to do something challenging today? A presentation, an important conversation? Do you have a difficult challenge that you are afraid of? This article is about courage, how you can find courage and how you can develop it. Voor Nederlands, klik hier. “That was courageous of you, Freek.” This is what…
Continue reading →Your Why is your contribution and the impact thereof on the world. In this article I answer a question I recently received during a Why workshop: “Can my Why change?”. In this article I answer this question and tell you about what can change.
Continue reading →Summary: In November 2018 it is estimated that we are with 7.7 billion people on this planet. Maybe you did not know it yet, but we are all connected to each other. This article is about how you can become more aware of the connection you have with others so that you can communicate more…
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