The Past, the Present, and the Future
This story is about what we can learn from the past and to live it in the present and the future for our own benefit and those around us.
Continue reading →This story is about what we can learn from the past and to live it in the present and the future for our own benefit and those around us.
Continue reading →Klik hier voor Nederlands. Another couple of weeks to go until a new year. It’s time to see where we are and to look ahead to where we are going. This year has been my best year ever as a professional coach, trainer & consultant! I am most grateful for that I am able…
Continue reading →In this article I am introducing the lifeline and how it can help you discover what you are good at. It helps you discover the common thread in your life so that you can make easier and more conscious choices to perform better and live a happier life. I also have a (FREE) blueprint for you to make your own lifeline.
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