
dreams Zilvold Coaching & Training Blog

This article is not on how to create your dream life or realize your goals. It’s not about fantasies on how wonderful life would be if…
It’s about those dreams you have at night and how they can help you live a better life with more awareness of the relationship between the dream worlds and this world.

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We’ll See

Zilvold Coaching & Training Blog stress

Perhaps you have heard the story in this article before. I read it years ago, and recently, I heard it again. In the current article, you’ll find my version of the story, and perhaps it helps you understand the moments of luck and the setbacks in life. The story can also give you insights on how to deal with these situations to experience more calm and less stress.

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What does a WHY session look like?

WHY session Zilvold Coaching & Training Blog

Why do you do the things you do or why don’t you (yet). To make you aware of this, a so-called “Why session” can help you. This article tells you what a Why session looks like. How you can prepare for it and what you still have to do to refine your WHY statement. Your WHY helps you to make decisions that are in line with you so that you can lead a happier, more action-oriented and more loving life.

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