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The accident
A month ago, I rode my bike in my hometown Rotterdam. It was in the evening, and I had just returned from a party with my son. Suddenly, we heard a crash ahead, and I saw an accident between a scooter and a car. A young man was lying on the ground, and it was clear that he was in pain. I called an ambulance and asked if the young man could walk off the street to lie down on the sidewalk. The police and ambulance arrived soon after. They took further care of the victim, and we went home.
Another accident
Then, at one of my workshops, a woman was stung by a wasp in her eye. Our group was on a beach, a little further from the main event. It would take a while for the first aid persons to arrive. Intuitively, I asked the woman to sit down and asked if anybody had a cool bottle of water to stop the swelling. She soon felt better after first aid arrived and treated her.
In both cases, I wished I had known more about first aid. I must have basic knowledge of how to act after an accident, especially when I am working with a group.
Currently, I am following a first aid course that will last several weeks. I am enthusiastic about it since I am learning a lot from professionals. It prepares me for what to do in case someone has an injury.
A marathon?
Also, at the end of 2022, my son asked me if I would like to join him in running the Marathon of Rotterdam next April. I laughed at him and said such a race is nothing for me. Soon after, a colleague told me about her ambition to run the Marathon. She told me about her training program in a way that made me enthusiastic about starting training too. I am now running with the help of an awesome app with coach Bennett. I feel fit and strong and am convinced I will finish the Marathon with my sons.
A canceled workshop
Finally, a client called to tell me that a workshop was canceled. His client checked my website and was not convinced I was the right guy for the job. Of course, I was not happy about this, but it made me enthusiastic about creating a website for the workshop I am most passionate about. There is so much to share about the benefits of the Haka. I can’t wait to make a website dedicated to the Haka. Of course, I will pursue learning more about Haka, and I am looking forward to spending a weekend with a Māori elderly next month so I can share more with my clients.
Find goals you believe in
Every year, we write our individual goals down with the family. Above, you’ve read only three of my goals for 2023. Other goals include drinking more water daily, clearing old stuff every week, and learning to write better.
I am enthusiastic about these goals and can’t wait to work on them. This is because I am intrinsically motivated by them. No one is forcing me to reach these goals, and I don’t feel I have to achieve them since others are trying to achieve them.
If you don’t believe in your goals, you won’t be motivated to work on them, let alone reach your goals. It is, therefore, imperative that you know what you want in life. You must be aware of your values, purpose, and WHY.
Your WHY helps you to find the right goals
I am on this earth to serve others, and my WHY is to facilitate so that others can elevate themselves and experience more love.
With a more hydrated body, knowledge about the Haka, first aid, writing more clearly, and being fitter, I believe I can live my purpose and WHY better.
A WHY is not made up. Your unique WHY is based on who you are at your best and your special contribution to the world. It’s discovered so you can be the hero of your life. Your WHY helps you to make decisions on a professional level and a personal level, it helps you how to deal with challenges, and it supports you in reaching your goals. It makes you more motivated and enthusiastic about working on them and reaching them. In doing so, you inspire others to become more enthusiastic about finding and pursuing their goals.
Reading tip: Setting Successful Goals in Line with your WHY
Become enthusiastic about your goals!
By discovering your WHY, you can define the goals that you are enthusiastic about. Your WHY has always been present within you, and I can help you to discover it. Are you interested? Contact me today for a FREE intake!
What makes you enthusiastic about your goals? How do you become enthusiastic about them? Let me know in the comment field below. The other readers of this article. and I are looking forward to reading from you!
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