Focus On / Off (book review)

Zilvold Coaching & Training Blog Focus

This article is a short book review of the Dutch book Focus On / Off by Mark Tigchelaar. It can help you well if you have a hard time concentrating, you are in need more focus, and you’re distracted often. It explains the four concentration leaks and gives you lots of tips to get more done in this world that screams for your attention.

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Legacy (Book Review)

Zilvold Coaching & Training Legacy Blog

This article is a ‘short’ book review of “Legacy” by James Kerr. The book has 15 lessons from the successful Rugby team, the “All Blacks” from New Zealand. The lessons are an inspiration to be the best you can be, to learn, and to leave the world in a better place than you found it. These lessons enable you to be a good leader for yourself, others, and life.

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7 (+2) Valuable Books

Zilvold Coaching & Training BLOG books

8 min readSummary: I really enjoy reading. In this article I tell you about the 7 most valuable books I read in 2018. Valuable in the sense of content, insights, new ways of thinking, clarifications, inspiration and sensible pastime (but those are mainly the 2 bonus books). Voor Nederlands, klik hier. Recently, a friend asked…

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2 min readWat deelnemers zeggen over mijn trainingen en workshops: “Als je niet je alledaagse teambuildingsactiviteit wilt doen, zoek dan niet verder! De haka was voor een team van accountants de ideale manier om alles eens los te laten en te herbronnen! Freek legt alles op een supergoede manier uit en spoort ook iedereen aan om…

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