11 – The Engineer Podcast – Lucas Simons

3 min read

Episode 11 – Lucas Simons : Embrace your challenges

Episode 11 of the Engineer Podcast is in English. I have had Lucas on the Engineer Podcast before in episode 6. After that interview, Lucas and I continued to talk for about another hour and he agreed to record that as well.
In this extra episode, Lucas tells more about his companies, about ideal clients, about finding ideal employees, his mission and the different steps he takes to reach this.
The podcast includes so many pearls of wisdom. So make sure to listen to this one. It includes a free gift at the end!

The secret of being unstoppable

The title of the last episode with Lucas was “On being an unstoppable successful changemaker” . In this current episode he gives you the secret of becoming unstoppable: exactly knowing what you want, why you want it and finding the resources to execute it.

Embrace your challenges

Everything you need to become successful and to overcome your challenges is already within you or within your reach. It’s about asking the right questions or asking yourself what would somebody else, you admire, would do in your situation.

You don’t become a millionaire by accident

People don’t become a millionaire by accident but because they have the right mindset on achieving, getting things done and creating. And if we get a bunch of those people in the driving seat, then we can start tackling all those challenges in the field of the effects of climate change and the foodgame.

Click here for the show notes of episode 11 with the best quotes from Lucas Simons.

And click here to listen to the Podcast on iTunes.



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